Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Back to being a book of the Bible

The Book of Daniel
the tv show has been cancelled...praise the Lord! Over 650,000 emails were sent to NBC asking them to cancel the show. It's nice to see believers putting their feet down and stomping on vermin like this program; it should happen more often.
I've seen some shows that were pretty good lately, but they slap Christ in the face so hard that their merits are all but erased . I'm probably going to get the smack laid down on me for this, but I can think of no better example than the recently cancelled Firefly. The writing is excellent, and the characters are deep as well as diverse. The whore on board the ship is one of the, if not the wisest members of the crew, but wisdom does not come from sexual perversion.
There was also a lovely scene involving seduction into lesbian revelry. Joss has made pot shots at the credibility of the Bible by having the genius of the crew cut out the verses that "conflict."
Excellent writing is a gift from God, and "Every good and perfect gift comes from above" (James 1:17). That means there can be excellent tv shows that not only don't offend God, but even glorify Him. We always talk about singing praises to God in heaven; with what other art forms will we worship Him?
Anyway, I'm rambling now. Just glad that the church in the US has power to turn this ship away from the glacier that lies before us.

I love the smell of radical Christian fundamentalism in the morning


At 11:36 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Yeah, you did read that the creator of the show said that what the AFA and the Christians who called and wrote letter were acting very "un-Christian". I wonder what he thinks about Jesus flipping tables at the temple. Hmm.


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